Helping Children Who Can’t Eat Their Daily Fruits and Veggies

The ancients knew a thing or two about disease that modern medicine has not yet fully recognized. About 2,500 years ago, the father of medicine, Hippocrates (who gave his name to doctors’ Hippocratic Oath and the acknowledged father of medicine) stated that, “All disease begins in the gut.” Looking at it very simply, it makes sense. Food is fuel and the body can only use what it is given. Unfortunately, finding the proper diet that will resolve a particular medical problem can be extraordinarily difficult.

A Dietary Dilemma: Fruits and Vegetables are Recommended for Many Children with Digestive Issues

As many as 10-20% of all children are prone to digestive disorders resulting from problems with their gastrointestinal tract, often referred to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Children diagnosed with IBS may be advised to eat meals that are low-fat and high-carbohydrate, including fruits and vegetables.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is linked to a number of pediatric diseases, including autism, Type 1 diabetes, allergies and inflammatory bowel disease. Undigested food particles, microbes and toxins that should remain within the intestines enter the blood stream and cause an inflammatory response. Again, recommended diets include vegetables and fruit.


Some Children Find it Difficult to Digest Fruits and Vegetables

Parents of children with digestive problems often find it very difficult to prevent their children from eating foods that disagree with them, especially as children reach school age. When a kid craves a forbidden food, such as fresh fruit, he or she can be very clever in finding a way to obtain it.

Phenols are natural chemicals found in most foods, but particularly fruits, vegetables and nuts. Salicylates are a type of phenol produced by plants, believed to be a natural protection for plants against insects, diseases, bacteria and fungi. Chemically, these salicylates are very similar to everyday aspirin.

Most children are able to easily metabolize phenols and salicylates, using what is needed and passing excess through the bowel. These children have no problem eating their fruits and vegetables. However, some children develop an intolerance to phenols and salicylates and are unable to break down foods with a higher level of these chemicals, the same fruits and vegetables that are often recommended for children’s diets. Some studies have reported that children with the Autism Spectrum appear to be particularly intolerant, but this intolerance is reported by parents of children with a number of problems.

No-Fenol – Adding Fruits and Vegetables Back Into the Diet

No-Fenol allows many children to eat fruits and vegetables, a welcome addition to their diet. Dr. Devin Houston developed this product that allows the body to digest phenols after hearing from many parents about their children’s inability to digest fruits and veggies. The capsules or chewable tablets of nofenol by houston enzymes contain all-natural enzymes. For many children, no-fenol has allowed them to avoid feeling “different” since they can now eat many of the foods that their friends do. Of course, nofenol by houston enzymes is not appropriate for everyone. To learn more, visit the website.

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